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Why the dickens, not? 

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Peace.... I Think

It's been 3 years. 1095 days. Three Long Years. And in hindsight its seems so, ......not worthwhile. How ironic; you spend a criminal amount of time trying to find yourslf only to realize there is nothing to find! Atleast nothing new to find. sigh..... I guess one always 'knows' what one is really 'into'. why does it take so long to accept it?

I guess, I should count myself lucky that I'm still focused on what I really want to do, and spectacularly lucky in being able to bridge the gap between the 'day job' and 'my thing'. It is quite reassuring to 'know' that you have the will to stay focused and not compromise. Peace. But the time?

The time wasted, gets to you at times. And finding the resolve to actually work towards your dream is, well, not a walk in the park. Focus is one thing, Resolve is quite another. It's to be hoped that I don't take another 3 years to work out the Resolve issue!

urped by gumz @ 11:03 AM

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