<attempts to isolate problem >
going to sleep early + getting up late = arriving at work late(10ish) + no preparation for 11:30 lecture => miserable feeling... (I pity the poor beggars, i really do - On top of listening to my drivel they have one of my assignments to submit.)
Miserable feeling lasts till end of lecture, at which point the brain goes supercritical and all faculties of rational thought are purged.... The mind goes totally blank and starts responding to whatever external stimulus..... which unfortunately for me is an open blog window.
my attempt to isolate the problem is going awry < gives up >
Blurfing is soothing and for a while all is good..... ( There are some reaaaaaly kewl bloggs out there)
Realization dawns that MY bloggs are uber pathetic < sigh.. >
feelings = boredom + directionlessness ( is that a word?) + depression
And just when things are at this jolly little stage .........
Dr.M dumps answerscripts on my desk...
hunger kicks in .... (Good timing or wot?) Too lazy to go down to the car to get lunch thing...
reconciles self to the terrible terrible fate of < shudders > marking....
urped by gumz @ 1:57 PM