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Why the dickens, not? 

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

EeeePeeeCeee: Extra-Pair-Coupling

Fancy yourself as a monogamous person? Is fidelity important to you? Well, you just might be a freak! Yes, that's correct. I said freak! A beastly, ghastly, unnatural freak!

At least thats what David P. Barash & Judith Eve Lipton, seem to say in The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People. They maintain that "there is no evidence, either from biology, primatology, or anthropology, that monogamy is somehow "natural" or "normal" for human beings. There is by contrast, abundant evidence that people have long been prone to have multiple sexual partners." . Go read the synopsis now.

Oh, did you notice that the co-authors are husband and wife? There is a kill joy of a review in there as well. Don't let that spoil things for you, though.

And, it appears that out of the 4000 mammal species only a handful such as bats, foxes, voles and marmosets are monogamous. Do you want to be associated with bats, foxes, voles and marmosets? Well, do you? And the animal kingdom, oh boy; cheating dunnocks, promiscuos macaque monkeys, unfaithful black-capped chickadees. Go on, read the article now.

Now, if you find yourself appealing to morality and wot not, well as everything is these days, it's probably in our genes, folks.

what if, EPC is the natural order? What if one day this is established fact? What if that day is tomorrow?

A vote on monogamy, people?

urped by gumz @ 1:02 AM

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