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Why the dickens, not? 

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

dear reader,

i realise that you consider reading this drivel an act of pure charity, and hence unworthy of any consideration toward the author. An admirable sentiment. Most of you, after coming here, would no doubt, heap the deepest darkest voodoo on the misguided referrer who sent your poor unsuspecting self to this veritable verbal cess-pit. So you probably leave thinking that you alone have been hard done by.


I note with regret, nay, revulsion, that MOST of you use MSIE <shudder>. Everytime you(not all of ye) come here, you defile my statistics by bestowing yet another tick against the vile little creature. what's the fricking idea? Haven't your parents taught you not to litter. If you insist on coming here, i beg you, go get this.

You may vilify me, torture me, throw sticks, stones or dead frogs at me - i don't care. Just, Don't bugger my statistics!

urped by gumz @ 3:49 PM

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