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Why the dickens, not? 

Monday, May 02, 2005

A business proposal humbug

In the world of science there are problems and solutions. Explaining an observation, predicting an outcome, predicting the pre-conditions for a given outcome are all manifestations of problems. We obtain solutions by applying suitable theorems and laws to problem parameters; theorems and laws are in fact, generalized solutions to generalized problems.

Ofcourse, there are the prescribed techniques such as problem visualization and wot not for starting from a problem and arriving at a solution, but science does not glorify the problem solving process. Indeed, how can it? When new laws are spawned by breaking the prescribed techniques. Yes, theorems and laws, themselves advocate certain techniques, but what i refer to as the process is a sequence of generic techniques for problem solving which constitutes a framework; this sounds like a load of tosh quite possibly because there is no substance in such a framework and hence sciences' silence on the matter. In a nutshell, the end justifies the means; the product is more important than the process. Feel free to add your on cliche.

Funnily enough, the management approach has a completely different tack on problem solving. You must give a background(problem), formulate objectives, provide a rational as to how the objectives solve the problems outlined in the background. Analysis of the problem and finally a solution outline. The package deal is called a proposal, hallowed be it. The focus is on the problem solving process. This is quite ridiculous on two fronts

a) you're given a problem and asked for a solution. Why the fuck cloud your judgment with rationales and analysis. These are intrinsic activities of low ceremony. You need to provide a solution dammit! And if its a good solution, you don't have to resort to rationales and analysis to convince anyone its a good solution.

b) By going through such an elaborate process you transfer your focus from the problem at hand to following an artificial process.

Why does the management approach insist on obfuscating matters? Is the function of management to crucify the messiah that is a good simple solution and deify and fall at the feet of the false prophet decked with the unholy embellishments of SWOT, PEST, Force Feedback, Force Field and what have you.....

Repent! Ye blind fools! Repent!!

urped by gumz @ 5:53 PM

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